Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

Pink Pig

Pink Pig

My daughter’s favourite animal …the pig! I have been drawing a lot of piggies recently for Sophia. I added a little pink to this one. I am currently working on a sketch which will be my first submission for a tee design on Threadless…wish me luck! I’ll post later this week once it’s on Threadless, and hopefully some of you will vote for my design!

Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings
-Salvador Dali

Caught Cross Dressing

cross dressing monster

Hmmm…this one just sort of appeared. Not sure what a psychiatrist would make of my sketches. Does drawing cross dressing monsters hint at something abnormal in my brain?? Ha ha probably!

Monster Valentine

Monster Valentine

Monsters are romantics!

We Love RAIN

I remember loving jumping and splashing in all the puddles as I walked home from school as a kid. I’d arrive home looking like a drowned rat. Thinking of that is what inspired this quick sketch.

In other news I am totally addicted to Threadless. Spent way too long going through their site again today. Charlie, Sophia and I all have threadless tees and I just bought more today for my friends with babies on the way.